Friday, January 7, 2011

MATLAB: (Creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUI’s))

This is post is about to Develop understanding how to use the GUI in MATLAB.
 The contents of this article are taken from MATLAB Site(

Graphical User Interface:

         A graphical user interface (GUI) is a user interface built with graphical objects, such as buttons, text fields, sliders, and menus
         Applications that provide GUIs are generally easier to learn and use since the person using the application does not need to know what commands are available or how they work
         The action that results from a particular user action can be made clear by the design of the interface

Topics to be covered:

         How to create GUIs with MATLAB
        Laying out the components
        Programming them to do specific things in response to user actions
        Saving and launching the GUI
         Will not go into detail on MATLAB scripts
         Will not attempt to cover the "art" of good user interface design

Getting Started:
  • Another way of starting is to type “guide” in the edit window and press “Enter” button.

The Process of Implementing a GUI Involves Two Basic Tasks:

         Laying out the GUI components     
        MATLAB implements GUIs as figure windows containing various styles of uicontrol (User Interface) objects
         Programming the GUI components
        Must program each object to perform the intended action when activated by the user of the GUI

GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Environment):

         GUIDE is primarily a set of layout tools
         GUIDE also generates an M-file that contains code to handle the initialization and launching of the GUI
        This M-file also provides a framework for the implementation of the callbacks - the functions that execute when users activate a component in the GUI.


         Routine that executes whenever you activate the uicontrol object
         Define this routine as a string that is a valid MATLAB expression or the name of an   M-file
         The expression executes in the MATLAB workspace.

Unicontrol objects:

         Push Buttons
         Toggle Buttons
         Check Boxes
         Radio Buttons
         Edit Text
         Static Text
         List Boxes
         Popup Menus

Push Buttons:

         Push buttons generate an action when pressed (e.g., an OK button may close a dialog box and apply settings)
         When you click down on a push button, it appears depressed; when you release the mouse, the button's appearance returns to its non-depressed state; and its callback executes on the button up event

Toggle Buttons:

         Toggle buttons generate an action and indicate a binary state (e.g., on or off)
         The callback routine needs to query the toggle button to determine what state it is in
        You can do this with a statement that uses the current callback object's handle (gcbo)
         MATLAB sets the Value property to 1 when depressed and 0 when not depressed

Check Boxes:

         Generate an action when clicked and indicate their state as checked or not checked
         Useful when providing the user with a number of independent choices that set a mode
         The Value property indicates the state of the check box by taking on the value 1 or 0
         Value = 1, box is checked.
         Value = 0, box is not checked.

Radio Boxes:

         Similar to check boxes, but are intended to be mutually exclusive within a group of related radio buttons (i.e., only one button is in a selected state at any given time)
         To make radio buttons mutually exclusive within a group, the callback for each radio button must set the Value property to 0 on all other radio buttons in the group

Edit Text:

         Fields that enable users to enter or modify text strings
         Use edit text when you want text as input
         The String property contains the text entered by the user.

Static Text:

         Displays lines of text
         Typically used to label other controls, provide directions to the user, or indicate values associated with a slider
         Users cannot change static text interactively and there is no way to invoke the callback routine associated with it.
Sliders - Value Property:

         Contains the numeric value of the slider
         Can set this property to specify an initial condition and query it in the slider's callback to obtain the value set by the user
         For example, your callback could contain the statement:
         slider_value = get(handles.slider1,'Value');
Four Properties that Control the Range and Step Size of the Slider:

        Value - contains the current value of the slider
        Max - defines the maximum slider value.
        Min - defines the minimum slider value.
        Slider Step - specifies the size of a slider step with respect to the range.

Sliders - Value Property:

         Contains the numeric value of the slider
         Can set this property to specify an initial condition and query it in the slider's callback to obtain the value set by the user
         For example, your callback could contain the statement:
         slider_value = get(handles.slider1,'Value');

Sliders - Max and Min Properties:

         The Max and Min properties specify the slider's range (Max - Min)

Sliders - Slider Step Property:

         Controls the amount the slider Value property changes when you click the mouse on the arrow button or on the slider trough
         Specify Slider Step as a two-element vector
        The default, [0.01 0.10], provides a 1 percent change for clicks on an arrow and a 10 percent change for clicks in the trough
        The actual step size is a function of the slider step and the slider range


         Boxes that enclose regions of a figure window
         Can make a user interface easier to understand by visually grouping related controls
         Have no callback routines associated with them and only uicontrols can appear within frames (axes cannot)
List Boxes:

         Display a list of items (defined using the String property) and enable users to select one or more items
         By default, the first item in the list is highlighted when the list box is first displayed
        If you do not want any item highlighted, then set the Value property to empty, []

Single or Multiple Selections:

         The values of the Min and Max properties determine whether users can make single or multiple selections:
        If Max - Min > 1, then list boxes allow multiple item selection
        If Max - Min <= 1, then list boxes do not allow multiple item selection

List Box Example:

Popup Menus:

         Open to display a list of choices (defined using the String property) when users press the arrow
         When not open, a popup menu displays the current choice, which is determined by the index contained in the Value property
        The first item in the list has an index of 1
         You can query the Value property in the callback routine to determine which choice the user made
         Can be used in place of Radio Buttons

Implementation of a GUI:

         Use GUIDE to lay out the components interactively
         Generate two files that save and launch the GUI

GUIDE - Primarily a Set of Layout Tools:

         Control Panel - add and arrange objects in the figure window
         Alignment Tool - align objects
         Property Editor - inspect and set property values
         Object Browser - observe a hierarchical list of the Handle Graphics objects
         Menu Editor - create window menus and context menus

Control Panel:

         Enables you to select GUI components from a palette and arrange them in a figure window
         The component palette contains the GUI components (uicontrol objects) that are available for you to use in your user interface

Alignment Tool:

         Enables you to position objects with respect to each other and to adjust the spacing between selected objects
         The specified alignment operations apply to all components that are selected when you press the “Apply” button

Property Editor:

         Enables you to set the properties of the components in your layout.
         Provides a list of all settable properties and displays the current value.

Menu Editor:

         Allows menus on figures to be interactively modified
         The Label, Tag, and Callback properties can be modified directly on the tool

Two Files:

         A FIG-file - contains a complete description of the GUI figure and all of its children (uicontrols and axes), as well as the values of all object properties.
         An M-file - contains the functions that launch and control the GUI and the callbacks, which are defined as sub-functions


         Binary files created as a result of saving a figure
         Contains a serialized figure object
        A complete description of the figure object and all of its children
         All of the objects property values are set to the values they were saved with when the figure is recreated


         MATLAB generates the application M-file to provide a framework for the program that controls the GUI
         All code, including the callbacks, is contained in the application M-file
        Each callback is implemented as a sub-function in the M-file


         MATLAB GUI is a very powerful tool when used correctly
         It takes a lot of experimenting with and a good background in programming.
         Must have a good understanding of MATLAB and be able to use the MATLAB language and commands to create routines

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